Children’s Object Lesson…

We hope you and your children or grandchildren will join us this Sunday Morning in the 10:45 service for a new series of lessons for kids called “Questions Kids Ask About God.”
March 19, 2021
It’s exciting to see what God is doing at Mahaffey Camp and Conference Center.
This week the ministry is conducting Replenish Camp and the attendance is higher than it’s ever been – about 1½ times of what they anticipated.
Pray for God to move in the hearts of those who are there!
You can always find information about Mahaffey Camp Ministries at
A New Family Discipleship Tool!
Curwensville Alliance believes that discipleship begins at home, so we want to equip parents and kids to grow together in their faith, to talk honestly about how God’s word is speaking to them, and to pray for one another regularly at home.
You can register on the website to be included in this fun FREE resource for families, geared for kids preschool-grade six.
Materials include a weekly Bible lesson (with video) that will get your family discussing Bible topics and the challenges of living out our faith in everyday life.
You’ll find more complete information in this video.
We think you will love how flexible and easy these resources are to use; it is adaptable to the ages of your children and your family’s schedule.
In Isaiah 9, we read a prophecy concerning the Messiah:
In this video, I talk to you about Who the Wonderful Counselor is to you – and what that means to you.
If you know me at all, you know I am not an “alarmist”. And if you know me at all, you know I enjoy technology. So this may seem an odd post, because it seems to be alarmist concerning technology.
While I was hunting today, I was listening to a podcast from, and heard them interviewing Catherine Steiner-Adair regarding her research for her book, The Big Disconnect. Steiner-Adair has some important things to say about the effect our use of technology has on our children — and our relationship with them. She also addresses when and where to permit children to engage technology.
The second portion of the podcast is about Thanksgiving. You can skip that, if you like, but if you interact with children, the first 39 minutes of this podcast may be important for you to hear.
And, yeah, I did not miss the irony of me using technology to alert you to a potential problem in the use of technology. 😉