Fear vs. Faith

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 9/8/24 by Pastor Steve Shields.

God puts us in places that require trust. There are times when God seems to test us. Our journey may be fraught with peril. You will encounter circumstances you cannot manage. Even when it appears you’re alone trust Jesus.

The real reason we fear is we lack understanding of who God is. We don’t see that God IS love. Our hearts are hard. We struggle to trust Jesus.

How can we overcome fear? Examine your own heart. Ask yourself these questions and be honest with yourself. Do you see any hardness toward others in your heart? Do you feel so sure of your heart’s opinion that you feel certain that God must feel the same? Our own hard hearts prevent us from seeing the deep love of Jesus for others and in turn, for ourselves.

Look for a fresh vision of God’s love. He loves you, and He can calm the raging storm inside of you. Choose to trust as you choose to love. You can move from fear to faith.