Letting Go Of Anxiety :: 1 THESSALONIANS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 06/30/24 by Pastor Steve Shields.

God gives us tools for overcoming anxiety.

God gives you knowledge. The knowledge that God is in control. The knowledge that God is faithful.

God gives you an identity. You are a child of the Light. To live your new identity as a child of God, you give attention to what’s important and trust God’s faithfulness, love and hope.

God gives you belonging. You belong to Jesus. You have everything you need if you are trusting in Christ. We will be together with Jesus.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 5/23/21 by Rev. Bernie Knefley.

When we are feeling anxious who is really in control?

Paul told us to not worry but instead to pray about everything. So how do we not worry?

Change happens when we admit we are stuck. When we quit denying what everyone else can see.

Common signs of anxiety are feeling keyed up, on edge, restless, irritable, difficulty concentrating and angry.

There are also hidden characteristics that we may see as good qualities, but that really are just a way to hide anxiety in our lives. Those who are outgoing, punctual, helpful, talk excessively, overthink, and those who appear calm in all circumstances may be using these good qualities to cover over anxiety.

What does this all mean? Christ tells us to come to Him all who are weary and heavily laden, and He will give you rest.

We need to come to Christ, learn from Him, be still in His presence and wait for Him. We shouldn’t be looking to the world to solve our problems, but rather looking to Christ.