The Generosity of God

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 11/11/2018 by Pastor Steve Shields

If asked to name the most miserly person we know,  most of us would probably struggle to come up with a name. They are not the kind of people we treasure in our hearts.

But if I asked you to tell me about the most generous person you know, it’s likely that someone will come into your mind.

In this podcast, we look at generosity — and we find it in God.

Where to Look in a Kindness Crisis

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 11/4/2018 by Pastor Steve Shields






These are character traits that seem to be missing when you look at a large segment of society.

So where do you look to find it?

In this podcast, Pastor Steve talks about source of kindness and its value to you and me.

What’s the Problem with Spiritism (& all that other stuff)?

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 10/28/2018 by Pastor Steve Shields

Through the years, around Halloween, some pastors present biblical views of the occult, spiritism, witchcraft, and communication with the dead. It’s a topic that needs to be addressed from a rational, biblical perspective — regularly.

This message looks beneath the surface and reveals one of the deep motives some have for looking toward the dark arts.

As you listen to this podcast, you may discover that this deeper problem is more common than you might of thought.

And you may find freedom from it in your own life.

What You Believe Is What Makes You What You Are | Where to Look

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 10/21/2018 by Pastor Steve Shields

Rich Mullins said it well in his song, Creed.

I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am.

What do you believe? What are you choosing to believe? How is it shaping you?

This podcast speaks of how important our belief system is…. and how important it is that it centers on Christ.

Look to The Return of Christ | Where to Look

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on October 14, 2018 by Pastor Steve Shields

I’ve known many people with diverse feelings about the return of Christ. Some love studying about it, and trying to see the signs. Others feel are less likely to be looking for it and feel that seeing current events as a fulfillment of prophecy is kind of over the top.

I understand both of these perspectives.

And while I am not wanting you to obsess about the return of Christ, I do hope I can help you to look forward to it in this podcast.

Look to Your Healer | Where to Look

Presented on 10/7/2018 at Curwensville Alliance by Pastor Steve Shields

Where do you look when you are in need?

When you are not feeling well? When you are hurting? When something in your life — or something in you — needs healing?

This podcast speaks about looking to our Healer, Jesus.

If you’re looking for any kind of healing at all, look to him.


Look to Heaven | Where to Look

Presented on 9/30/2018 at Curwensville Alliance by Pastor Steve Shields

The Far Side. Who doesn’t love Far Side cartoons? Gary Larson was a master of humor that was just about a half-a-bubble-off.

In one of them, he has a man with angel wings and a halo, wearing a robe, sitting on a cloud, thinking to himself, “I wish I had brought a magazine.” The idea makes me smile — but only because I know it doesn’t represent reality.

If that cartoon represented reality, I couldn’t smile at it.

What, then, is it like to be in heaven? What will we do? What will be there. What will not be there?

This podcast helps us imagine heaven so that we can look forward to being there.

Look to Your Church | Where to Look

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church by Pastor Steve Shields on 9/23/2018

I hear people say it all the time at Curwensville Alliance: “I love our church.” Indeed, it’s a great group of people.

You notice what I didn’t say, right?

I didn’t say it’s a great place. The building and location are in a great place, but that’s not what I said.

Church is not a place; it’s a group of people called together to meet in a place.

Responding to that call and being on location takes time, energy, and resources.

Is it worth it?

This podcast addresses that thought.