God’s Wisdom Moves Us From Darkness to Light :: ADVENT

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 12/05/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Who are the Wise Men?

They are curious. They scanned the heavens looking for anything unusual, and God gave them a sign.

They are from the East, and they are wise as they pursued wisdom.

What does it look like to pursue wisdom? It is a journey of trust, worship and transformation.

Questions to ask yourself as you pursue God’s wisdom. Am I trusting God’s mercy? Am I worshiping in a sacrificial way? Am I cooperating with changes He is bringing to my heart?

God’s Promises Move Us From Darkness To Light :: ADVENT

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/28/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Advent Season is upon us. Listen as Pastor Steve details how God’s promises move us from darkness to light.

Sometimes God’s promises are misrepresented by others which can injure your soul. But you can trust God’s promises.

God’s promises bring light to our souls. There is no more gloom because Christ is the Great Light. With Him there is relief from oppression. The Peace He brings ends conflict.

The essence of the promise is the Christ child. Christ is for us, He will lead us in peace, and He will act with zeal.

Breaking Free from Cynicism :: ADVENT

Presented for Curwensville Alliance on 12/27/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Where does cynicism originate? Cynicism is a defense mechanism, an easy way out and comes from the enemy.

When you allow cynicism in your life it can turn your heart bitter and lonely. Cynicism can also lead to conflict.

In this podcast, Pastor Steve walks us through the remedy for cynicism? You need to forgive those who have injured you, do the hard work of love, and walk close to the Shepherd.

Bringing Comfort to Our Hearts :: ADVENT

Presented for Curwensville Alliance on 12/20/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Where does comfort come from?

Comfort comes from Christ’s power! Unlike human power which has limits, His power is unlimited!

We can find comfort in His goodness. We can find comfort in His love. He comes to us, fights for us, makes us family and lives among us!

Listen as Pastor Steve guides us through finding comfort in Christ.

Peace :: ADVENT

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 12/06/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Do you struggle to find peace? Where does peace come from? How can we have true peace?

Peace does not mean the absence of conflict. Peace also does not mean being the same. These are some common misconceptions of peace.

Rather, peace comes from the Prince of Peace. Peace comes through His advent, death and triumph.

But how can peace be yours this Advent Season? You will have to think with humility, view yourself with honesty and view others with grace.

Real God – Real Life – Real Christmas :: ADVENT

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/29/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Disappointment. Has this year held one disappointment after another for you?

Disappointment is part of real life. Disappointment can lead to darkness and despair.

What is the remedy for disappointment? Advent!

In this podcast, Pastor Steve will lead you through how Advent is the remedy for disappointment.

Jesus is the Light to dispel disappointment. You can trust Jesus to understand what you do not understand. You can look to Jesus for unparalleled hope.

Come and See :: Christmas Eve

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 12/25/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

Curwensville Alliance has been “traveling” a road to Christmas Eve.

A road labeled “The Season of Advent.”

As you travel this road, at the end, you find the Christ Child in the manger.

But the road goes on.

This devotional message, presented on Christmas Eve 2019, invites you to Come and See What God Has Done.

The God Who Came to Launch :: Advent

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 12/22/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

When you tell someone that you go to church, do you ever consider what that means to them? The answer to that question largely depends on how the view the church.

And how one views the church depends on what you think God came to launch.

In this Christmas podcast, Pastor Steve addresses what God came to launch — and what it means to you and me.

The God Who Came to Proclaim :: Advent

Presented by at Curwensville Alliance on 12/15/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

If I said to you, “God came to love,” you’d know what I mean.

If I said to you, “God came to reach,” you’d probably know what I mean.

But if I said to you, “God came to proclaim,” what would you think I meant?

That’s what this Advent Podcast explains today.

The God Who Came to Love :: Advent

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 12/8/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields — the Second Sunday of Advent

If Christmas speaks of anything, it should speak of love.

But what is love?

While our world spends a lot of time talking, singing, and writing about love, it often misses the mark that God establishes.

In this Advent podcast, Pastor Steve looks at Mary’s fiance, Joseph and uncovers the love of God in this carpenter.