Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 9/12/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

The second of the Ten Commandments is Do Not Make Idols. This commandment really has two components. First, don’t make idols. Second, don’t worship what has been created.

We are not to pray to anyone but God. We are not to regard earthly things as holy. We are not to make idols. Why would God give us this command?

There are deep problems with idolatry. We are to love the Lord with our whole heart. We are to trust Him completely, and we are to obey Him.

What do we do when we realize we have made something an idol? We should destroy the idol if possible. There are some idols that you should not destroy, like your family or your reputation. In that case, you need to reprioritize your life and set Christ as Lord!


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 9/5/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

The first of the ten commandments “You shall have no other gods before me.”

Surely this should be easy to keep, right? But so often the “good things” in life take a seat before God.

God is above creation. He is distinct from creation, and He is superior to creation.

God is above ALL people. He is the One who has control over our destinies. By contrast, we look small.

God is concerned for us. Even though He’s incomparable, He cares for us. Because of His great love for us, we are preserved.

Back To School

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/29/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

What made Daniel and his friends different? They were thinkers, learners and motivated while living in their difficult environment.

What lessons can we learn from Daniel when we are in a difficult environment? We believe God can help us even when the demands are unreasonable, when we are in danger, or being persecuted.

We also see from Daniel’s story that we need to walk closely with God. We need to be in His word.

We see how Daniel cooperated without compromising. He allowed himself to be called a new name that was not pleasing to him, but did not compromise in ways that would defile him.

Our mindset is crucial. We need to believe that God is in control. We need to resolve that we will stand firm. We need to trust that God is with us.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/22/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Isn’t it interesting the emphasis people put on the last words spoken by someone? The words of Jesus before He ascends back into heaven include to baptize and be baptized. Let’s take a closer look at the words Jesus speaks.

Jesus tells us to go. We go to share what we have discovered. We share with those around us the love of God, whether that be to those we work with, those in our homes or to a different country.

Jesus us expects us to be disciples and make disciples. We love those around us and let our light shine. We help people find forgiveness and life in Jesus. We also teach people to follow Jesus.

Jesus tells us to baptize and be baptized. Baptism indicates cleansing, transformation and commitment to Christ.

The Ten Commandments :: BIBLE STORIES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/15/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Did you know that the Bible never calls them The Ten Commandments? In Hebrew they are referred to as “the ten words”.

Did you know that not every church counts them the same? All ten are still present but numbered differently.

Did you know that the Ten Commandments are upheld in the New Testament?

Did you know that before this, God’s people had no written word from Him?

As we look through the Ten Commandments in the coming weeks, there are a few things we need to keep in mind to help us as we go deeper with each one.

First, “the ten words” are authoritative.

Second, “the ten words” are relational. They either address our relationship with God, or they address our relationship with others.

Finally, “the ten words” are eternal.

Passover The Paschal Lamb :: BIBLE STORIES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/08/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Jesus is our Paschal Lamb.

The Paschal Lamb is received personally, corporately and shared openly. The Paschal Lamb is perfect. The Paschal Lamb is for slaughter and is the protecting lamb.

The Paschal meal has a bitterness and a haste to it.

The Paschal Lamb draws us to gratitude. Gratitude for our own deliverance, for God’s protection and God’s provision.

The Church Is Called To Do Good

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/01/21 by Rev. Bernie Knefley.

As Christians we are called to do good. But how do we know what is good to do?

Ultimately we need to love our neighbors to see what the good is we can do for them.

To be a church of good, we must first be individuals of good. We reflect the goodness of God to those around us.

How? By showing empathy, compassion and grace. When we put others first we show love. We show good by actions instead of just words. We seek justice and serve others. We live a life of Christlikeness.

Joseph and His Brothers Reconcile :: BIBLE STORIES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 7/04/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Are forgiveness and reconciliation the same thing?

No, they are different. Forgiveness is an attitude of the heart. Reconciliation is a re-union of hearts. Reconciliation can only happen when both parties are willing to reconcile.

Joseph pursues reconciliation with his brothers. When Joseph realizes he will be able to reconcile with his brothers because they are also willing to be reconciled, he cannot contain himself.

What will it require for you to reconcile? A heart that is ready. A heart that is honest. A heart that is discerning. Since reconciliation requires two willing parties, sometimes all that can be done is forgive. A heart that leaves room for the Holy Spirit.

Joseph & His Brothers :: BIBLE STORIES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 6/27/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

The Bible story of Joseph and his brothers shows God’s redemptive power in our dysfunctional lives!

We see the dysfunction in the story by the disagreement on “right” and “wrong”. We see the dysfunction in the parents playing favorites. We see the dysfunction in their emotionally driven personalities. We see the dysfunction in the careless, tactless use of words. We see the dysfunction in their flat out hatred. We see the dysfunction in the cold hearted disregard for others.

Meanwhile, God plans for redemption!

God puts the right people into our lives at the right time just as He put the right people in Joseph’s life. God prepares us for His redemptive plan. God ensures we find our place. God ensures Israel’s redemption.

God has redemptive plans for you! God offers you your own redemption, God gives you Himself in His Holy Spirit. God gives you a church family. God gives you His promise!

Jacob and Esau :: BIBLE STORIES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 6/20/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

What comes to mind when you hear Jacob and Esau? Do you relate more to the one or the other?

When we think about Esau, there are some items to consider. The Bible speaks of the peculiar birth of Jacob and Esau with the prophetic jostling and the prophetic grip. Esau sells his birthright for a bowl of stew. The birthright and attached blessing meant everything! Esau marries the wrong women, loses his blessing, and then meets his brother again years later.

There are a few issues in Esau’s life. His eyes were spiritually unhealthy. He had a tendency to be rash. He had little interest in spiritual matters, and lived more for the world.

On the other hand, Jacob seemed to look to God. He wrestled with God and would not let go. He desired blessing from God. He showed a respect for God.

Can you see yourself in Jacob? These are the questions to ask yourself. Am I willing to work out my life’s struggles with God? Am I truly seeking the closeness with God? Am I showing a respect for God and sense of reverence?