Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 12/18/22 by Pastor Steve Shields.

God’s love is also hidden in the manger. We see many aspects of God’s love in the manger, and Pastor Steve discusses just three of them.

God’s love is generous.

God is love, not just overflowing with love, but pouring from Him.

God’s love is loyal. His love is unfailing because He is unfailing.

Lean into God’s generous love towards you. Allow God to pour out abundant love to you. Feel His loyal love.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 12/11/22 by Pastor Steve Shields.

God had good reason to be angry at Christmas. The people rejected Jesus. Herod, the king, committed wholesale infanticide.

God’s anger is different than we may expect.

His anger is slow to ignite, and we can see His patience. God’s anger is just. His anger is not His go to response.

God’s anger gives us peace. He doesn’t give evil a pass. He never judges prematurely. God always gives opportunity for repentance and redemption.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance by Pastor Steve Shields on 12/4/22.


Grace is there from the beginning, but we need reminded regularly of God’s grace.

Receiving God’s grace has nothing to do with what we do, and everything to do with God’s goodness.

God takes delight in what He has created, and He takes delight in giving grace.

God is never short on grace. Grace and truth are not opposites. Rather, grace is “I forgive you” and truth is “My forgiveness is your hope”.

Grace overflows to us.

What’s Hidden in the Manger? :: ADVENT

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/27/22 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Why may the Goodness of God seem hidden to us?

Because we take it for granted. We don’t see it because it is always there, right in plain sight.

Because pearls don’t sit well before swine.

Because the enemy blinds us to God’s Goodness. We can be so focused on other things – even good things- that we totally miss God’s Goodness.

The manger is filled with compassion!

Compassion is an emotional word, and stands opposed to indifference. Compassion is an action word. Compassion is a connection word. Advent demonstrates that connection like little else.

Focus your eyes on what’s hidden in the manger. Make it your aim to let God define Himself. Fill your mind with truth about God’s Goodness. His compassion that reaches out to connect with us. His grace that shows us blessing when we deserve judgement. His patience that gives us one opportunity after another to turn to him. His loyal love that keeps all His promises to us. His faithfulness that doesn’t shift or fail or give up on us.

Intrigue Intersection :: DANGEROUS SIDE ROADS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/13/22 by Pastor Steve Shields.

As we take a look at intrigue as a dangerous intersection, let’s start with the types of intrigue.

There is intrigue with the unfamiliar, intrigue with the forbidden and intrigue of the more. Not all intrigue will lead you on a dangerous path.

So how do you choose correctly at the intrigue intersection?

First, choose your friends wisely. Just like your mother said, you become like your friends.

You consider the outcome of the path. How will the path effect your relationship with God and your relationship with other people?

Stay on target.

How should you respond to intrigue?

Find pleasure in what you have. You find strength in who God is. You find joy in who God is making you.

Escapism Extension :: DANGEROUS SIDE ROADS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/06/22 by Pastor Steve Shields.

The cross is the crux of our faith. The cross is where forgiveness was purchased. The cross is where our old self died. The cross is where we are called to die daily.

Escapism is the tendency to want to avoid stress, difficulty, pain, heartache, and responsibility at all all cost.

Everyone feels like escaping occasionally. Escaping can be healthy as Jesus shows when He would get away from the crowds and connect with the Father.

Escaping is unhealthy when it becomes avoidance. It can show up as procrastination, over-indulgence in hobbies or unhealthy dependence.

Escapism feels like relief in the moment. Humankind struggles with laziness. Satan deceives us into avoiding responsibility.

How do we get off the escapism extension?

We can pursue wisdom. We can face life’s challenges head on. First, we can take it to the cross!

Christ Our Coming King :: THE FOURFOLD GOSPEL

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 10/02/22 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Jesus is our Coming King.

When we look at the end times, there are some basic things we need to realize. The end times is about the return of Christ. The end times is about all being set right.

What is so great about Christ’s return?

He rewards His faithful. He gathers the family. He takes us to our forever home. He brings about what we have hoped for.

When we think about Christ’s return we need to have a mentality to be ready to meet Jesus by being saved and being a faithful servant.

We also need to have a missional mentality as we play a role in the timing of His return according to Matthew 24:14.

Trusting Christ Our Healer :: THE FOURFOLD GOSPEL

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 9/25/22 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Why do some believers not ask for healing?

Perhaps they do not believe in healing. Healing can be a difficult topic to comprehend. Healing ministries are often marked by fraudsters. They feel like real faith is revealed best in suffering. They may have the mindset that if God doesn’t heal, He will look bad. Why bother?

What does the Bible tell us about healing?

The Bible tells us that Jesus heals! God identifies Himself as Healer. God invites us to pursue healing. Healing is provided in Christ’s atonement. Not everyone is healed right away.

What does this mean for us and healing?

Healing is never formulaic. Healing is found by looking to the Healer. Ask Him to give you Himself – His Healing presence.

Spiritism And The All-Sufficiency of Christ

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 10/23/22 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Why is spiritism attractive?

There are many reasons people are drawn to spiritism. People are drawn to mystery. Don’t know where else to go. They feel like God has left them down before, or they feel they have left God down. They are wanting something Christians forgot. They have a desire to be different. They need control. Evil spirits are real.

Even with all the things that draw people to spiritism, why would you turn anywhere but to Christ?

The God of the Bible is personal. He is our redeemer, taking our bad and replacing it with good. He is protective. He is all powerful and above all powers. He is the Savior who rescues us.

How do you look to God? You ask Him for wisdom. You trust Him to do as you asked. You walk in faith.