The Two Debtors :: PARABLES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 3/9/25 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve takes us through the Parable in Luke 7 about the two debtors.

Let’s set the scene for the lesson. Jesus is a guest of a religious professional. It is all a set up, put into place to trap Jesus. A woman with a bad reputation arrives. She heard Jesus teach on grace at some point, and she has a heart of gratitude for that grace. However, the self righteous Pharisee just doesn’t get it.

What can we learn from this lesson from Jesus? A need is a need regardless of the size. The amount is irrelevant since both are unable to pay.

How can we develop a thankful heart? Find the effective way to deal with your guilt. Take your heart to the cross. Give your heart into Christ’s hands. Find ways to honor Christ for what He has done for you. The love you act out doesn’t cause you to be forgiven. Rather, it is evidence that you’ve been forgiven. Cling to the forgiveness you have received.

Forgiveness is not a matter of what you feel. It is a matter of who you trust.