Functioning As A Family :: 2 THESSALONIANS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/25/24 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve discusses how the local church is a family as seen in 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18.

In the New Testament you see the local church as a family again and again. The family bond comes down to two things – a shared love for Jesus and their proximity to one another.

We also see in this passage three warnings.

Beware of unproductive idleness. If you do not concern yourself with what God gives you to do, you’ll likely concern yourself with things that don’t concern you.

Beware of disruptiveness and dissension.

Beware of drift or straying from the Truth.

What are the steps we can take in order to beware of these things? Look for ways to contribute. Accept the differences. Don’t let them disrupt what the Spirit is doing. Stay the course.

Back To School Essentials

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 08/18/24 by Pastor Steve Shields.

This isn’t just for students going back to a school building. This message is for everyone! Listen as Pastor Steve speaks on Luke 10:25-37.

There are 3 essentials we all need as we live our lives. Love, integrity and self control are seen in the story of the Good Samaritan.

Loving your neighbor as yourself means choosing to love whoever God puts in your path. If you chose to love whoever God puts in front of you, how would that change your heart?

Integrity is making reality conform to your words. Integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy. Integrity comes with being near Christ.

Self control gives you powerful influence. Self control gives you the ability to love. To make the rugged choice to do the right thing.

Essentials for the Christian Journey :: 2 THESSALONIANS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 08/11/24 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve goes through 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5 and discusses the essentials for the Christian journey.

The essentials for the Christian journey are a serious commitment to the truth that transforms life, a sincere covenant that encourages your heart, a sustaining community that carries the Gospel, a spiritual concern for one another and a shared confidence that God is good.

The Day of the Lord – Keep Your Cool :: 2 THESSALONIANS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 08/04/24 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve leads us through the passage in 2 Thessalonians about the return of Christ.

Christ’s return is yet to come; so, don’t let false teachers confuse you. There will be clear indicators of the day of the Lord.

The deceivers will be in high gear. There will be rebellion with the world turning away from light to all that is dark. The man of lawlessness will come.

BUT, God is in control! Evil is subject to God’s control. It is limited by God. Evil is overthrown by God’s power. We rely on the certainty of the return of Christ. These are the reasons Christians can keep there cool.

There is God. Do you have Him?