Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 4/25/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Have you ever thought how Noah and the Ark can be applied to your life today?

In this podcast Pastor Steve will lead us through the story of Noah and the Ark to help us understand the focal point of the story which is the covenant between God and man.

Noah must have felt a little broken, a little overwhelmed and a little fearful. Sounds like how we sometimes feel.

What did Noah learn from the Noahic Covenant? Evil does NOT have the last word. God VALUES humankind. It’s going to be ALRIGHT!

We also need covenant with God today to see that evil will not prevail, God values us and it’s going to be alright!

The Transforming Nature of Bible Stories

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 4/18/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

There is power in a story. Jesus tells us in Mark 4:9-13 the power of parables.

In this podcast, Pastor Steve begins the series on The Transforming Nature of Bible Stories. He will show us the importance of seeing a story’s meaning.

A story is a bridge between ideas and words. If you want to understand the God of the Bible, you would do well to understand the stories.

Bible stories require a heart that listens. Bible stories require a heart that is hungry. Bible stories require time to digest.

To get the most from Bible stories you need to study them, live them and share them!

The Readiness, Willingness, and Ableness of Christ

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 4/11/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Everyone worries. Some even worry about worrying.

You can trust Jesus with EVERYTHING!

Why can you trust Jesus? Because of His readiness, willingness and ableness.

His readiness was established before the foundation of the world.

His willingness has never been in question.

He alone is able!

Christ has won the victory so that we can worship without reservation, proclaim Christ without apology and walk in freedom without fear.

What Do We Take Away From An Empty Tomb?

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 4/04/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

What do you take away from the empty Tomb?

The empty tomb is about more than heaven.

Because the tomb is empty, I can live with confidence.

Because the tomb is empty, I can trust God, even when I do not see Him,

Because the tomb is empty, I can live my faith from a foundation of love.

Because the tomb is empty, I have the ability to trust God.