Look to the Father | Where to Look

Presented on 7/15/2018 by Pastor Steve Shields at Curwensville Alliance Church

When you are in trouble — when you have a need — where do you look?

  • If you were being falsely accused
  • If you wanted to turn your life around
  • If you were in need of wisdom
  • If you had done something you regret
  • If you needed encouragement

Who would you look to?

As Christians, we would agree that the person to look to is God.

This podcast talks about why we should look to him and how he can help.

Tools for Resilience | Using the Tools

Presented by Pastor Steve Shields at Curwensville Alliance Church on 7/8/2018

I have a lot of tools. And I’ve used a lot of them. But I have tools that I have never used.

I have a gear-pulling kit. Never used it.

I have a hedge-trimmer. Never used it.

I have a 20 Amp 12 volt power supply. Never used it.

What’s that about?

Sometimes that’s how we are with the tools of grace that God gives us. 

We sit in a service, listen to a sermon, hear about what God gives us, put that teaching into our pocket, and walk away — never to implement what we’ve learned.

Over the past several podcasts, we’ve unfolded a number of tools that God has given us to make us resilient. Are you using them?

This podcast gives you good reasons to use the tools of resilience that God’s given you.


Tools for Resilience | Teachability

Presented by Steve Shields at Curwensville Alliance on 6/24/2018

Anyone who desires to influence others for their benefit will notice this: For some people, their greatest hindrance is their unwillingness to receive instruction.

Some people struggle to be teachable.

This is particularly troubling since teachability is an essential tool for resilience.

David Murray, professor of New Testament and Practical Theology, says that there’s one characteristic that separates the successful from the unsuccessful in every walk of life: teachability.

If you are going to be resilient, you’ll do well to consider your own level of teachability and to ask God to increase it.

This podcast tells you how.

Tools for Resilience | Hope

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 7/1/2018 by Pastor Steve Shields

“Hope does not disappoint.”

What kind of statement is that? It’s ridiculous, unless the hope is in something solid. And when the hope is in something solid — that kind of hope is powerful.

If you are having trouble finding hope, you’re not alone. Sometimes, it’s hard to hope for our world, our  society, our families. But without hope, we will be disappointed. We’ll be despairing.

It’s our hope that you’ll find hope — and act upon it.

This podcast speaks about how to implement one of the three greatest things ever: Hope.