Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 7/26/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

In this introductory podcast, Pastor Steve goes over the value of the Sermon on the Mount.

As we go through the Sermon on the Mount in this series, we will see how Jesus addresses “Soul Questions” as He resists the way the world views life with this memorable Sermon ton the Mount.

What are some of those questions? Why can’t I find lasting happiness? Why can’t I be the person I should be? How can I live above the kingdom of this world?

In this podcast, Pastor Steve asks us to review these questions and prepare our hearts for the words that Jesus speaks through the Sermon on the Mount.

Gentleness – Christians in an Angry World

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 7/19/20 by Pastor Steve Shields

What exactly is gentleness? It is not weakness. It is not being soft on sin. It is not easy.

Gentleness is being respectful, considerate and Christ-like.

In this podcast, Pastor Steve guides us through how to live a life of gentleness by leaving your anger with God, trying to understand the perspective of others and seeing people through God’s eyes.

The Father Who Pursues Forgives and Adopts :: PATTERNS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 7/12/20 by Pastor Steve Shields

Have you ever had a broken relationship? We have all had those relationships that have disappointed us, but how do we restore them?

When we follow God’s pattern as a Father who pursues, forgives and adopts, we can see the importance of relationships.

In this podcast, Pastor Steve outlines the qualities of a good Father as He values every child, invests in every child and welcomes every child. If we follow the pattern God lays before us we can see how important it is to pursue meaningful relationships, forgive personal grievances and restore lost relationships.

The King Who Brings Freedom :: PATTERNS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 7/05/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Celebration is a pattern in God’s nature, which can be seen in the Feasts of Israel, the communion meal and the wedding supper of the Lamb.

We can celebrate that the King has freed us from death’s tyranny, sin’s power and Satan’s dominion!

In this podcast, Pastor Steve shows us how we can follow the King’s celebratory pattern when we release residual fear, relish freedom from sin and resist the Devil’s lies.

The Priest Who Substitutes, Atones and Purifies :: PATTERNS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 6/28/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

When you think of a priest, what comes to mind?

The role of a priest is to facilitate the relationship between the people of God and God.

In this podcast, Pastor Steve will show us the priestly patterns of Jesus. Jesus is the Great High Priest, and as such He gives us a pattern to follow.

How do we follow this pattern in our own lives? We can help others in their relationship with God, intercede for others, help others to connect with God, be empathetic and gracious towards others, and live well.

The Judge Who Pardons and Justifies :: PATTERNS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 6/21/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Have you ever noticed that Society has a pattern of judgement?

It is a judgement that is constantly consuming but never satisfies and seems never ending. On the other hand, God has a pattern on judging that differs from society.

In this podcast, Pastor Steve will discuss God’s pattern of judging. He will lead us through how God is a righteous Judge, a reluctant Judge, a patient Judge and a compassionate Judge. But how does God’s judging pardon and justify?

Because of the cross.

Creation and Renewal :: PATTERNS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 6/14/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Have you ever wondered how God renews? And what can we learn about Him from His pattern of renewal?

In this podcast, Pastor Steve shows us how if we adopt the Pattern of the Master we will give God glory in everything, live a life surrendered to God, be openhanded and generous and be known for mercy and grace!

God Given Strategies for Managing Life’s Pain :: PAIN

Presented for Curwensville Alliance on 5/31/20 by Pastor Steve Shields

How do you manage pain? Do you have your own strategies? Have you ever thought that God has some strategies for managing life’s pain?

In this podcast, Pastor Steve will outline 5 God given strategies for managing pain which include to prioritize prayer, prioritize quietness, prioritize awareness, prioritize worship and prioritize others.

How Compassionate Am I ? :: PAIN

Presented for Curwensville Alliance on 5/24/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

It is during our own pain that we can see the answer to the question of our compassion.

Pain can suffocate compassion by lowering our tolerance, taking our focus off of others pain and hardening our heart.

In this podcast, Pastor Steve leads us through how to adjust our mindset concerning compassion and pain by showing us the ultimate example of compassion that Christ showed to others even during the midst of His own pain.

What Role Does God Play In Your Life, Really? :: PAIN

Presented for Curwensville Alliance on 5/17/20 by Pastor Steve Shields.

What role does God play in your life, really?

Is He an invention? Is God a distant figure? Is He handy to have around? Or does He fill the Role of Beautiful One in your life?

Listen as Pastor Steve shows how we can see God’s beauty in our lives in His Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Holiness, Justice and Love.