Come and See :: Christmas Eve

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 12/25/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

Curwensville Alliance has been “traveling” a road to Christmas Eve.

A road labeled “The Season of Advent.”

As you travel this road, at the end, you find the Christ Child in the manger.

But the road goes on.

This devotional message, presented on Christmas Eve 2019, invites you to Come and See What God Has Done.

About Heaven :: Revelation

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on December 29, 2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

Why we’re moving to the city.

How much do you know about the afterlife? And where do you get your data?

There is no shortage of opinion regarding the afterlife. The difficulty is that opinion won’t get you real far. My opinion and $1.99 will get me a coffee — sometimes.

If I want to know what heaven is like, then it would be sensible to look to God — the Maker of heaven and earth. He speaks extensively about eternity and about heaven.

This podcast takes a look at Revelation 22 and outlines a bit of what is waiting for us in heaven — and what is not.

The God Who Came to Launch :: Advent

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 12/22/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

When you tell someone that you go to church, do you ever consider what that means to them? The answer to that question largely depends on how the view the church.

And how one views the church depends on what you think God came to launch.

In this Christmas podcast, Pastor Steve addresses what God came to launch — and what it means to you and me.

The God Who Came to Proclaim :: Advent

Presented by at Curwensville Alliance on 12/15/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

If I said to you, “God came to love,” you’d know what I mean.

If I said to you, “God came to reach,” you’d probably know what I mean.

But if I said to you, “God came to proclaim,” what would you think I meant?

That’s what this Advent Podcast explains today.

The God Who Came to Love :: Advent

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 12/8/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields — the Second Sunday of Advent

If Christmas speaks of anything, it should speak of love.

But what is love?

While our world spends a lot of time talking, singing, and writing about love, it often misses the mark that God establishes.

In this Advent podcast, Pastor Steve looks at Mary’s fiance, Joseph and uncovers the love of God in this carpenter.

The God Who Came to Reach :: Advent

Presented by Pastor Steve Shields at Curwensville Alliance on 12/1/2019 – the First Sunday of Advent

One of the most important concepts in Christian faith is that God wants us to know him — personally.

That’s a key reason that he came in the flesh. So that he could be one of us. So we could know him and he us.

This podcast explains how he knows us and how we can know him more deeply.

Trading Up :: Revelation

Presented on 11/24/2019 at Curwensville Alliance by Pastor Steve Shields

I am not good at wheeling and dealing. In fact, I generally lose more than I gain.

However, there’s one trade I have made that was well worth it. It was the day I traded my unrighteousness for Christ’s righteousness.

When we make that change, God unfolds a whole portfolio of blessing in our lives.

This podcast looks at Revelation and speaks to the concept of trading up.

History Has a Destiny :: Revelation

Presented on 11/17/2019 at Curwensville Alliance by Pastor Steve Shields

Have you ever wondered why your life doesn’t seem to have the meaning you once thought it did — or dreamed it would?

As strange as this may seem, the answer might be tied up in your view of The End Times.

The Bible teaches us that history is going in a specific direction — that history itself has a destiny. And we do also.

This podcast looks at how Revelation 20 ties into our own sense of meaning and destiny.

Celebration :: Revelation

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 11/10/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

I would guess that if you asked one hundred people to describe The Book of Revelation in one word, not one of them would choose the word “celebration”.

And yet, you find heaven rejoicing over and over as the book unfolds.

Likewise, while some may call communion a “celebration,” most don’t have a celebratory attitude when they receive the elements in the Lord’s Supper.

But celebration is an integral part of our Christian experience.

This podcast helps us see this and, perhaps, offers hearts a new perspective on some ancient subjects.

Light & Darkness :: Halloween Message

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 10/27/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

Off and on, I have taken this time of year, Halloween, to talk to you about spiritism, the occult, and such things Not because I think Halloween is bad.  But because I think the occult is real – and bad.

I basically use this holiday as an excuse to address these issues.

Giving some thought to the difference between Christian faith and paganism you might realize that a big part is the difference between light and darkness. Christian faith is light. Paganism, spiritism, the occult, witchcraft – not so much.

In fact, historically, these things are referred to, by critics and practitioners alike, as the dark arts.

Dark arts. Darkness. Spiritual darkness.

This is the danger of paganism, spiritism, the occult.

And this podcast addresses these very things.
-Pastor Steve