The Pretty Good, The Kinda Bad and The Really Ugly :: PARABLES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 3/23/25 by Pastor Steve Shields.

The kingdom contains contaminants. Weeds are growing in the wheat. Birds are inhabiting a growing spice plant. There is yeast in the baking flour. There are carp in the net with walleye.

The kingdom will never be perfect until the harvest.

God allows things to happen in the kingdom for His own reasons.

Maybe God allows what he allows because He patiently loves people.

The good, the bad and the ugly. Some things are best left in God’s hands. These parables don’t say we should ignore someone who is struggling with sin. But they do show us that zealously purging the kingdom of weeds is not our job.

Guarding your heart is your full time job. When you demand that the kingdom look like something God doesn’t demand it look like, you suffer. And you fail to grow because you feel like you are doing a lot of work fixing other people. Real spiritual growth is fixing yourself – taking your own sin and brokenness to God. So guard your heart against thinking that contamination elimination is your job.

Live in such a way as to show the good – the goodness of God.

The Wineskins :: PARABLES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 3/16/25 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve speaks on the parable of the wineskins found in Luke 5:33-39.

The Gospel is an irresistible force, but it doesn’t always behave like an irresistible force. Jesus is a gentleman. He knocks. We need to receive what He has and who He is.

People like to think they are immovable, but you’re not. Behaving like we’re immovable is dangerous. Even believers can fake immovability.

The Gospel invites you to join the unstoppable. It does this by changing you. Open your eyes to Christ, and open your eyes to your place. You have a purpose.

The Two Debtors :: PARABLES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 3/9/25 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve takes us through the Parable in Luke 7 about the two debtors.

Let’s set the scene for the lesson. Jesus is a guest of a religious professional. It is all a set up, put into place to trap Jesus. A woman with a bad reputation arrives. She heard Jesus teach on grace at some point, and she has a heart of gratitude for that grace. However, the self righteous Pharisee just doesn’t get it.

What can we learn from this lesson from Jesus? A need is a need regardless of the size. The amount is irrelevant since both are unable to pay.

How can we develop a thankful heart? Find the effective way to deal with your guilt. Take your heart to the cross. Give your heart into Christ’s hands. Find ways to honor Christ for what He has done for you. The love you act out doesn’t cause you to be forgiven. Rather, it is evidence that you’ve been forgiven. Cling to the forgiveness you have received.

Forgiveness is not a matter of what you feel. It is a matter of who you trust.

The Talents :: PARABLES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 03/02/25 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Pastor Steve presents the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30.

There are several hinderances to using our talents. Our perceived lack of talents. The idea that you are inadequate is simply inaccurate. You were given the talent you were given because it is exactly what you can use. The fear of failure is also a hinderance to using our talents. God knows what you can and cannot do. He gives you the resources you need.

The two take home lessons are you can do significant things with what God has given you. Also, there is a lot on the line: great regret vs great joy.

The Fig Tree – Repentance and Life :: PARABLES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 2/16/25 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve speaks on Luke 13:1-9.

Humans tend to think that those experiencing suffering have done evil. However, suffering is not a clear indicator of unrighteous living. Everyone needs to repent whether you are suffering or prospering.

What does the parable of the fig tree say to you and me? It’s dangerous to make judgements based on circumstances. Judgement is coming from the Judge.

Jesus shows us the way to life. It is never through our own merit. The way of live involves repentance. The way of life is resting in Christ.

Being Salt and Light :: PARABLES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 2/9/25 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Over and over, people come to Christ, not because of what they will avoid, but because of what they will receive.

You see it personally. To find a fuller life, to find meaning, to find help for their everyday struggles, to find peace of mind, to be right with God, to be forgiven.

You observe it in the Gospels. We don’t base our worldview on what we experience, but on what the word of God tells us.

Jesus sees us as being capable of demonstrating His grace. He builds us up and expects us to build up others. You are the salt of the earth. Stay salty. You are the light of the world. Keep shining. Glorify your Father in heaven so people will see the truth.

The Great Banquet :: PARABLES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 2/2/25 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve goes through the passage Luke 14:1-22 on the great banquet.

Have you ever seen people who say “I wanna be somebody”? It’s often without regard for the needs of others. It’s often without regard for the fleeting nature of respect from people. It’s often without regard for eternity or for eternal outcomes.

How do we overcome hindrances to being somebody – in God’s eyes?

Examine your thinking to ensure you are trusting in Christ and Christ alone. Remember your commitment. Reaffirm your priorities.

You can be somebody – you are somebody if you’re trusting Christ. You have been invited to the table. Have you RSVPed? Have a heart ready for the banquet.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 1/26/25 by Rev. Brian Smeal.

Listen as Rev. Brian Smeal speaks on 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12.

Chaos is the devil’s plaything. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are meant for something more.

When we use the term sanctification, we have in mind the idea of being set apart. Sanctification means being set apart in your views on sexuality. Sanctification means being set apart in your views on brotherhood. Sanctification means being set apart in your views on living.

The Rich Man and Lazarus :: PARABLES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 1/19/25 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Pastor Steve begins by asking why consider the doctrine of hell. The typical answer is to warn people. It also gives a greater appreciation for your salvation. Most importantly Jesus spoke about hell the most.

In understanding the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, we see what it is not. It is not saying that poor people go to heaven and rich people go to hell. It is not saying karma is coming.

Instead, the parable is saying choose what you depend on carefully.

You’ll take the heart you are developing with you into eternity. Develop a heart of repentance, a heart of faith and a heart of love.