Sunday was a good Sunday…

Sunday was such a good Sunday. The 8 a.m. traditional service saw about twice the attendance we’d hoped for. The 10:45 service was smaller than usual, as a result, but still very exciting.

One of the most exciting parts was seeing the children — three rows of them — heading up to the platform, squeezing in front of the microphones to bring the music ministry. All of them were as cute as one would expect. If you’re wondering what little Louie was doing with his foot, ask him about the button on the bottom of his shoe.

Another exciting time was when little baby Cooper made his appearance. As his dad held him up before the people, the congregation burst into applause. I look forward to seeing that happen when baby Christian gets home from the NICU!

After that service, one of the visitors who had been there to see her grandchildren was emotionally moved by what she had seen. When I spoke to her about it, she conveyed a thankfulness for what God has done in the lives of her children and grandchildren.

Yeah — Sunday was a good Sunday.

This Sunday promises to be good as well.

We will have an International Worker with us — one who has served God in Columbia for several years. The ministry of the Alliance in Columbia has been so effective that the US leadership has withdrawn our workers from there, delighted that the Alliance Church of Columbia is mature and healthy enough to stand on its own.

Join me in prayer that people will enjoy their time with our missionary and that our hearts will be moved to share the good news we have heard with those here and those far off.

As usual, be sure to check to see what’s happening in our church.
