
Last evening, the Walk on Water small group transitioned. It concluded its study of Peter walking on the water. The idea was that the students would learn to step out in faith to do what God was commanding them to do. It was a great time in the group to evaluate our lives and to consider what God might be leading us to do and our willingness to do it. In these last couple of meetings we have been talking about what we want to do next. Several topics have arisen, but as is generally the case, many people don’t want to express their opinion openly for fear of imposing their will on the group, so I handed out papers for people to vote and some who were absent voted by email.

  • Five people said they wanted to do another book study like we did when we did Genesis.
  • Four people said they were interested in The End Times.
  • A couple wanted to read a Max Lucado book. Please be in prayer concerning all the small groups in our church and the direction they each take.

What would be of benefit to you? Is it time for a transition in your life? Speak to me or to Peggy Bloom concerning small groups and topics you may be interested in.

Things to pray for include Clyde and his family as he has been hospitalized, Joe as he has his shoulder surgery, and transitions in our church family. It’s neat to see what God is doing in small groups and in our body as a whole. Pray that he will continue his work and we will be cooperative.