What a Difference…

Yesterday, I stopped in to see Jack in the Rehab Center. Wow — what a difference. He walks the hall (with assistance) and can laugh and joke around. He and Glen and Myrtle and I had a good long visit together, reading Scripture and sharing stories. When I told Jack that we pray for him regularly his face showed great gratitude. He has a long road ahead of him, but may be able to be back home in a couple of weeks. Please remember him in prayer.

Speaking of prayer — please pray concerning the needy in our community. The Fuel Fund for the churches is exhausted and we’re using general monies in the Ministerial Association to meet the needs of people in our area. However, this fund only has enough money in it to last for a few families. Pray for warmer weather and for our community in general — that a means for needy people to have their basic necessities will be provided.

Naturally, remember to pray for those whose lives were changed by the recent earthquake in the South Pacific. Remember our missionaries there. You can find information concerning such things here:


~Pastor Steve