On Tuesday, I hopped in the Tahoe and made a few of visits.
First I visited Anna. She had fallen a few weeks back at the airport in State College. The revolving door caught her and she went down. She doesn’t remember how she fell, but she really stoved her left side. We talked about what a blessing it was that nothing was broken. She has a family member who broke both legs recently, and, while we don’t generally think of being stiff and sore from a fall as a blessing, we agreed that it beats broken bones by a long shot. Anna is recovering well from her fall. Anna has such a heart for Jesus — she told me about her work to evangelize a family member. As I listened to her recount their conversation I thought to myself, “Man — Billy Graham couldn’t have done better.”
I also visited Gilda. I did a little work on her laptop to fix Windows and showed her and Matt Esther’s blog. They are such good people — appreciative of all that is done for them, and asking so little. Matt gave me two quarts of hot peppers. They were too hot for him to eat. I thought they were excellent — just right!
It’s easy to forget those who can’t attend church regularly. Easy for me, anyway. Please let me encourage you not to forget them, but to encourage them with a card or a visit.
~Pastor Steve