Sermon on the Mount: The Lord’s Prayer

Presented on 10/11/20 by Pastor Steve at Curwensville Alliance.

This week’s video didn’t work as well as we’d hoped, but it’s here for you. The actual service video will begin after the elder prayer.

As we’ve said, The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus’ way of telling us that we’re seeing things backwards. From the start, where he notes that poor in spirit being blessed, throughout the message, he shows us that life is different than we think.

In this message, I try to help you see that theme as it runs, even through Jesus’ teaching on prayer.

Love Who!? – The Sermon on the Mount

Presented on 9/20/20 at 10:45 AM at Curwensville Alliance

In the kingdom, Jesus says, we are to love our enemies.

That may sound far-fetched — until you give some thought to what love is and how God loves.

In this message, Pastor Steve presents the eighth sermon from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

As you watch, see if you can understand how to love — even your enemies.

Open Fists :: Sermon on the Mount

Presented on 9/13/20 at Curwensville Alliance by Pastor Steve Shields

We live in a world of closed fists. Even clenched fists. Few of us really like it, but we learn to survive in it.

We learn, even, to emulate it.

In this sermon, we explore what Jesus says about our fists…. Well, he’s actually talking about our hearts.