Finding Healing from Disappointment – Advent

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/29/20 by Pastor Steve Sheilds

Have recent events left you disappointed?

Are you disappointed about restrictions related to commonwealth directives? Disappointed by people you know? Disappointed about the holidays and what you may have give up?

In this video, I talk about disappointment – and how to find healing from it.

It’s important to deal with disappointment before it deals with you.

The Hidden Goodness of God

Living in this present darkness, it’s sometimes hard to see the goodness of the Father.

In this video, we look at The Golden Rule and discover how it reveals the face of the Father.

Injustice, futility, and pain can mask God’s face so that people don’t see his goodness.

But if we look behind the mask, we can see the face of God. And when we treat others as we would like to be treated, we show the face of God.