A Few Loaves and Fishes

Today marks one year of writing and sharing with you. Because this blog does not enable comments, I have no real way of knowing if anyone is reading, out there….but in some ways that is part of this step of faith. I lay my words down at His feet purely as offering, and entrust them into His keeping.  Where they go and how they might be used are completely up to Him, but I pray that He is blessing them and making them multiply, the way Jesus did with the little boy’s lunch, and I pray that hungry souls will find their needs met in Him abundantly.

Nevertheless, I do thank you for joining me here….especially the dear sisters (and brothers) who have offered a word of encouragement along the way. Your timely upbuilding often helped to deflect the Enemy’s darts. You have kept me going more times than you know.

So on this snowy cold day in January I find myself looking back over a year, amazed by all the unexpected paths we take when we follow the Good Shepherd, and humbled as ever by His unending grace for each day.


“Peace be still,
You are near,
There’s nowhere we can go
That You won’t shine redemption’s light.
Our guilt withdrawn–
As You rise, we come alive;
The grave has lost, the old is gone,
And You’re making all things new…”  (All Things New –Elevation Worship)