Beginning Again

We sit around the massive wooden table as one year ends and another begins, warming our hands on hot mugs and enjoying the peaceful evening, now that the bustle of the holidays is giving way to the quiet darkened days of Winter. We share about our journeys in the past year, and look ahead at the months to come. It’s something we are learning– that the days and weeks will pass by anyway, regardless of how you live, and you have to live like you mean it if you want all those minutes to mean something in the end.

The math says we have 168 hours every week, but when you start dividing them out into piles of Sleep, and Job, and Chores, and even multiplying the minutes it takes to put on your makeup in the morning, they get swallowed up pretty quickly. And I confess that an inordinate amount of time gets swallowed up by the TV, and there are whole hours unaccounted for that fall through the cracks completely, so who am I to complain that I don’t have time to pray, or time to invest in my own health, or time to minister to others? Somehow we all struggle with the same frustration of not enough time to do the things that matter most. Maybe it’s because the issue of time goes deeper than what we do with it– it’s more about how we view the time we have, and why we do what we do– the needs and fears that drive us to make those choices. Not surprisingly, God has some opinions about that.

The Church-planter Paul encouraged new believers to leave a Self-driven life behind, to fix their eyes on the reality beyond this world, and embrace their identity and purpose in Christ. That is where to find our path forward, how we know for sure that our days will matter. It’s not about learning to put the hours into the right boxes, but a matter of having a new life, and every moment of it shaping who we are becoming. Paul writes: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10) Hand-made uniquely and purposefully, and brought to life in Christ for God’s good purposes; and we are just the right people to do what He has in mind for us, because He made us that way. All those hours start to take on a different hue from this vantage point.

This is the abundant life that Jesus has in mind for me. Why then do I let other people’s expectations drive so many of my 168 hours? Why do I push myself to impossible standards, or let lethargy and avoidance steal so much of my days, just because I am trying my best to build a life here? This is the yoke we lay on ourselves, and it does indeed get heavy. But Jesus is still saying “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me…and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29) Lay down that life driven by Self, for Self’s gain. It’s okay to be not-enough for the time we are given, because the God who made time is more-than-enough, and He is calling us to set our minds on life in the Kingdom that lasts forever, and rest in His grace. Those 168 hours of sleep and work and play are gift– all alight with His presence, and the purpose He gives them. What is ours to do is wake up and live them all.

So we look ahead at the days to come, and choose right here to to offer them up to the Giver of Time as an act of worship. It’s what the Church-planter Paul kept telling the believers long ago: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17) That kind of living doesn’t come naturally. Much more natural to float along and just try to navigate without too many bumps and bruises, snatch whatever good comes our way. But this living intentionally?…this taking responsibility for our focus and our direction?…this choosing “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable” (Philippians 4:8)? If we fix our sights on such things, here at the beginning of the year, knowing well that they all find their fullest expression in the person of Jesus?…well, I really can’t think of a better way to start.

As the calendar turns over into blank fresh pages, it’s time to make some wise decisions about the way we are living…all us women of different ages and stages of life, united in purpose and heart’s desire. So we talk about finding One Word to name where God is leading us, and we wrestle with how to “lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely” (Hebrews 12:1), and we make some honest confessions about why our schedules are filled with every distraction under the sun, and we explore how to encourage those younger to follow along in our intentions to live well. None of us knows what we will face this year, but here at the beginning we resolve to seek God in it and through it, and invite His work in our hearts. This one thing we can do.


If you hold the past too tightly, your arms have no room for the present — no room for the gifts of now.

Ann VosKamp


I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14