Light & Darkness :: Halloween Message

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 10/27/2019 by Pastor Steve Shields

Off and on, I have taken this time of year, Halloween, to talk to you about spiritism, the occult, and such things Not because I think Halloween is bad.  But because I think the occult is real – and bad.

I basically use this holiday as an excuse to address these issues.

Giving some thought to the difference between Christian faith and paganism you might realize that a big part is the difference between light and darkness. Christian faith is light. Paganism, spiritism, the occult, witchcraft – not so much.

In fact, historically, these things are referred to, by critics and practitioners alike, as the dark arts.

Dark arts. Darkness. Spiritual darkness.

This is the danger of paganism, spiritism, the occult.

And this podcast addresses these very things.
-Pastor Steve

The Outcome of Evil :: Revelation

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church by Pastor Steve Shields on 10/20/2019

Most of us feel like we are overly aware of our shortcomings. And, indeed, self-condemnation is commonplace in the graceless culture in which we find ourselves.

But along side of this, the very same people who struggle with being overly critical with themselves often miss the real problems in themselves. It turns out that self-reflection isn’t being done with a well polished mirror, but with a fun-house mirror — giving distorted perspectives of every kind.

Robert Burns noted our failures at self-assessment with the words:
O wad some P’wer the giftie gei us To see oursels as ithers see us.

If you’re struggling with that phrasing, this is what he meant:
O would some Power the gift would give us, to see ourselves as others see us.

I’d like to one-up Rabbie and say that the Power has done so. But it’s even better. God, by his Spirit and his word gives us the ability to see ourselves objectively — as he sees us.

In this, there is a paradox, for he sees those who are in Christ as pure and holy — yet as needing to grow in our walk with him.

This podcast looks at Revelation 18, sees the End Time Kingdom, Babylon, and looks into our hearts to see if there are elements that need addressed there.

The Destruction of Darkness :: Revelation

Presented by Pastor Steve Shields at Curwensville Alliance Church on 10/6/2019

Dr. Rob Reimer speaks about the need we have to empty our suitcase — the baggage we’ve picked up as fallen people living in a fallen world — so that we can experience the fullness of Christ’s presence. The Suitcase Analogy is central to his Soul Care material.

Some might note a parallel between us unpacking our suitcases to rid our lives of evil and God unpacking the suitcase of the cosmos so that his radiant glory can shine, unrestricted.

What will it be like to see that — the glory of God shining without shadow?

This podcast addresses the judgment of God as spelled out in Revelation 14-17, giving us hope for the future as we look forward to that glorious day.